7 Amazing Diy Wire Art Ideas

Today there are many artist that use interesting kinds of materials to make fine art. Wires are one of them. Wires are very easy to manage and they can turn into many different shapes. You don’t have to be an artist to create things out of wires. You can start with simple, little things like jewelry or decorative gift cards. There are artist that have very creative wire installations. We present you 7 amazing wire art ideas. Enjoy…

Birdie Wire

77-630x497DIY project and photos credit to blogspot.com

Words Made from Wire

155-630x472DIY project and photos credit to blogspot.fr

Josh Cote Portrait from Wire

2110DIY project and photos credit to blogspot.com

Sculptures made of Wire-Silhouettes

147DIY project and photos credit to adme.ru

Hippo Wire

263DIY project and photos credit to handyhippo.co.uk

Wire Cat

292DIY project and photos credit to etsy.com

Dancing Wire

313-630x551DIY project and photos credit to taringa.net